Cobra Commander has a mind?
  -- Roadblock (insulting Cobra Commander, who explained that he had devised a cruel method of execution for the Joes)
Home Episode Summaries Season 1 The Pyramid of Darkness: The Further Adventures of G.I.Joe

"Yeah, who'd notice a wet sailor with a parrot and a masked silent man with a Timber wolf."
- Shipwreck (while marching to a Cobra subway and wondering how they will fit in)

Cobra Commander applauds Destro's escape act and Destro takes a bow. Inside an office, Cobra Commander compliments the brilliance of his plan and shows Destro and the twins the loading scene that was undetected by the Joes. After Destro asks Cobra Commander how the "special cargo" will be activated, Cobra Commander explains that Zartan, who is already aboard the shuttle will handle that part of the plan.

As the shuttle separates from the booster rockets, Dusty, Mutt, Junkyard, Breaker and an unknown soldier, feel the extra weight knock the shuttle out of a smooth launch. Breaker, Steeler, Junkyard and the unidentified Joe, who turns blue when his hand placed on a window with a view of the sun, then leave in order to examine the cargo bay.

Duke helps guide Mutt into the docking station on Joe Space Station Delta and as Mutt explains that the unauthorized cargo is throwing his approach off, Scarlett orders him to examine the cargo. "You got it, Big Red," Mutt tells her before turning to Dusty and ordering him to open the hatch when docking is complete. Marveling over his lucky break of having command responsibilities on his first mission, Dusty can only sum up his impression by saying "Too much!" As the Joes haul away the cargo bin, the unknown soldier stays behind and lowers another bin to the floor. The hatch on the bin opens and the Dreadnoks report to Sgt. Popper that they are ready for action.

The Joes open the unauthorized cargo and discover several creatures that disturb Junkyard but woo Scarlett with their cute looks. Mutt finds a card and tells the Joes that the creatures are called "Fatal Fluffies" and are a gift from Cobra Commander. Collectively perplexed, the Joes mumble to one another about the meaning of the card until Sgt. Popper removes his mask to reveal his true identity - Zartan.

He blows a whistle and the cuddly creatures transform into some very unnerved gothic-looking Ewoks who have been using too many steroids. Breathing fire and firing laser guns, the Fatal Fluffies help Zartan and his Dreadnoks capture the Joes.

In the underwater base, Shipwreck and Snake Eyes swim out of their SHARCS and explore a subway tunnel located under Extensive Enterprises. Shipwreck suggests to Snake Eyes that he should not try to attract attention. "Yeah, who'd notice a wet sailor with a parrot and a masked silent man with a Timber wolf," mutters Shipwreck. "I think we're in major trouble."

The two Joes knock out two Cobra agents, don their uniforms and board the subway. By acting like a subway philosopher, Shipwreck annoys the other passengers, who turn away from the Joes.

At G.I.Joe headquarters, Flint tells the team that the past few hours have not been so great since several of the top Cobra leaders have escaped, two Joes are missing and communication with Space Station Delta has been disrupted for some unknown reason. But then a transmission is received from the space station and Lady Jaye activates a program to decrypt the Joe Code. Zartan appears on the screen and thanks the Joes for answering his transmission, which now allows him to lock coordinates on Joe headquarters and attack with the space station's weaponry, and the Joes are nearly demolished.

Behind a waterfall lies Cobra's newest base of operations, where Cobra Commander watches the Joes' headquarters burn. He turns from the screen and explains that the acquisition of the space station is but a small part of his newest weapon, the pyramid of darkness. When all four cubes are in place on the planet, the space station and the cubes will help create a zone that will not allow the use of electricity in any part inside the pyramid. Without electricity to power factories, military vehicles and automobiles, the world will fall into chaos.

As the Joes recover from Cobra's attack, Lady Jaye asks Flint what they should do. Grumbling that Cobra has bitten the Joes once too often, Flint tells the Joes that he will set up a temporary base with a few Joes while the others help rebuild their headquarters. With fists raised in the air, the Joes shout in unison, "Yo Joe!"

Snake Eyes and Shipwreck disembark from the subway train and approach the security gate, which has a robot guard that checks the voice print of the workers as they state, "Hail, Cobra Commander. The great snake rules forever." However, Shipwreck's voice doesn't match Cobra's voice records. As spikes suddenly burst from the ground and walls with spikes begin close in on the Joes while circular saw blade roll forward, the robot shouts that the intruders must be exterminated.

Part One - Part Two

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